AR – Augmented Reality

As is evident from the name, AR (Augmented Reality) is about augmenting the reality through the use of computer or computer aided devices. I would pull out scene from Minority Report to give an instant example of Augmented Reality:


While the data is projected using computer, the images etc are moved using hand gestures. The glass screen that is seen is a real world whereas the projected images are virtual. The actions are virtual but they result into some real action. All this is achieved using Augmented Reality.

What’s Latest in Augmented Reality space?

Augmented Reality – Educational Use

Minority Report was in 2002. Technology is much advanced now and it several things are happening on this front. (BTW – researchers have recreated Minority Report using AR).

PokemonGo game became very popular due to usage of AR in the gaming activities (2016).

Snapchat introduced AR into their app and every phone has become a device which can create images or videos with some emojis added to the reality. Snapchat launched this feature in Sept-2017.

Alexa assisted glasses will be introduced in CES (2018). If you watch that interview, it would be an advanced version of Google Glass (2013) where person wearing the glasses would be able to talk to Alexa fitted in the glasses and responses would be projected in front of the eyes!!

Augmented Reality VS Virtual Reality

It is often easy to confuse Augmented Reality with Virtual Reality. However, there’s an important and basic difference between these two technologies. In AR, reality is augmented by computer generated inputs such as sounds / videos etc. Whereas in VR (Virtual Reality), entire environment is created with the help of computer and computer aided devices. In AR, user can see real world, whereas in VR, user is completely immersed in the virtual world.

Interesting Use Cases:

Related Links

Related Words

Virtual Reality, HMDs,  Eye Glasses, Mixed Reality, Google Glass
