
Sidecar is a design pattern that allows deploying a supplementary service alongside the main application on the same host. It is a very popular pattern in microservices architecture and provides isolation to the main service from failures in supplementary services if any.

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SSE – Server-Sent Events

In the current age of fast mobile networks and very high internet speed, people are getting accustomed to frequent updates about their area of interest. They need the data to be pushed to them frequently – may it be social media like Facebook or Snapchat or it could be stock updates. Most common technology to get such updates was “Pull” by the client – primarily through AJAX request. However, there’s a better mechanism that is available but is rarely known – “Server-Sent Events” Continue reading “SSE – Server-Sent Events”

Data Science

Data science is also known as data-driven science. It is nothing but a data collected in various forms, either structured or unstructured. Different methods used are machine learning, data mining, analysis of a data, visualization of a data etc.

It is an umbrella that contains many other fields like Machine learning, Data Mining, Big Data, statistics, Data visualization, data analytics etc. It is a “concept to unify statistics, data analysis and their related methods” in order to “understand and analyze actual phenomena” with data.

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Spot Instance

Everyone is aware of “cloud” now. The cloud provider sets up huge infrastructure and makes it available to their customers either as bare infrastructure or a managed service. In either case, it is a huge investment for the provider. All the servers, network bandwidth, and other resources are their inventory. As is the case with any business, idle inventory is a problem. And that is where Spot Instance comes into the picture.

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